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FM Platform – Update

Asset data management changes

Based on customer feedback, we have changed the asset importers and exporters to simplify the management of the asset register.  The enhancements improve data maintenance flexibility to manage your Asset Types and Assets.

This update delivers new importers and exporters

  1. Create new asset types, including custom attributes

  2. Update existing asset types, including custom attributes

  3. Export asset types, including custom attributes and an AssetTypeID to uniquely identify an asset type.

The existing Asset Importers have been modified accordingly to support their separation from the Asset Type, which includes changes to

  1. Create new assets

  2. Update existing assets, including custom attribute values

  3. Export assets, including custom attribute values and other additional related information to improve the meaningfulness of the data – eg. Asset type details, Created Date, Segment(s) the asset belongs to….

Additionally, we have listened to customer feedback and enhanced the flexibility of the system when creating new asset types. From today, if you define “base class” Asset Types that only define a Category (ie. no Manufacturer and Model number for the asset type), when you create a more specific Asset Type of the same Category (by specifying the Manufacturer), the new Asset Type will copy all of the “base class” custom Attributes and the Size field.


Asset Type Category = “Refrigerator”, defined with custom Attributes:

  1. Capacity L (Size) 

  2. Fridge/Freezer combo (Yes/No type)

  3. Star Rating (List type: 2 | 3 | 4 | 5)

  4. Manufacturer Date (Date type)

When a user creates a new asset type that is manufacturer-specific to the “base class” asset type of “Refrigerator” above, it will automatically copy the Size and custom Attribute fields to the manufacturer-specific Asset Type. The user can then make modifications to the manufacturer-specific Attributes (if required).

For Example, a user creates a new manufacturer specific “Refrigerator” of “Samsung”.

  1. Asset Type Category & Manufacturer = “Refrigerator – Samsung“

  2. The Size and 3 custom Attributes listed above will automatically be available to the new manufacturer specific asset type of “Refrigerator – Samsung“

This behaviour is available across the FM platform, wherever an Asset Type can be created:

  1. Operations center – Create new asset type

  2. Operations center – Import new asset type

  3. Workforce Apps – Create new asset type when recording new assets


Edit a support request’s title and description

We’ve added an enhancement to be able to edit a support request’s title and description – just like you can currently do on reactive work orders


More ways to filter job invoices

The Invoices list screen provides a new way to filter your job invoices – by Segment.

The Segment filter will be available if the operator agent has access to multiple segments.

This update also includes various bug fixes and improvements.


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