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Improved Functionality – Import/Export Customer Accounts

When importing and updating customer accounts in ‘bulk’, we now have the ability to import a billing address along with the residential address for each customer.

Image #1 - 29.04.16

This applies to both the import new and update existing account functions.

Image #2 - 29.04.16

Within the csv file you will notice 5 additional columns for billing address.

Image #3 - 29.04.16

Agent Permissions – Access to Import/Export Account functions

We now have the ability to restrict an Agent from accessing the Import/Export functions within the Accounts screen. This permission can be enabled/disabled from the agent account within the settings menu.

Image #4 - 29.04.16

When enabled, the agent will be able to view and access this feature within the Accounts screen.

Image #5 - 29.04.16

When disabled, the agent will not be able to see or access the Import/Export function.

Image #6 - 29.04.16

Note: For those agents who already have access to the import/export of customer accounts, this permission will be enabled by default.


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