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Urbanise Facilities Management Update - Coming Soon

We're excited to announce the release of a major new update to the Facilities Management platform in the coming days. We'll be launching a new look Planned Work Planner for planned maintenance in the Operations Centre, featuring the following enhancements:

  • A refreshed look with improved usability, including drag & drop functionality to move jobs

  • More links from within the Ops Centre to the Planner for quick visibility

  • Enhanced visual representation of upcoming planned work

  • A summarised view of a day and a specific job’s details

  • More options for filtering planned data that is important to you

  • Visual categorisation of data across the timeline by grouping results by Asset Type, Job Template etc..

  • Improved user experience for saving your favourite filter combinations

  • Pre-existing saved filters will not be retained and will need to be recreated after the Planner Update

  • The number in the tile represents how many jobs are returned

  • A numbered square in blue represents the tile has at least 1 active planned job

  • A numbered square in green represents all jobs in the tile are closed

Other Changes

The following changes will be introduced in conjunction with the major Planner update:

Job History

When a job's due dates have been updated or moved in the planner, a history of the updates will display on the job details page.

Agent Permissions

A new permission 'Can create global planner filter' will be available under Operations permissions in the Agent settings screen. This permission will be disabled by default and may be enabled to allow an agent the ability to create global filters for the use of all agents. Global filters can be used as a base when creating new filters.


Planner Overview

To get the most out of the Planned Work Planner, we recommend the use of saved filters. Follow these guidelines for creating saved filters:

  • The filters at the top left of the Planner screen indicate the current filter view (e.g. 12 MONTHS).

  • The +ADD FILTERS option allows new filters to be created. Filters added here will update the results in the Planner view, but will not be saved unless it is named and saved by the user.

  • Unsaved filters will not be saved when exiting the Planner.

  • New filters cannot be created until unsaved filters are saved. If a filter was created in error, save the filter then delete if it is not required.

  • When selecting the Save button, a pop-up screen displays to enter a filter name. Try to keep filter names short but descriptive.

  • Saved filters display in tabs at the top right of the Planner screen in tabs.

  • When the first filter has been created, it can be used as a base to create additional filters by using the SAVE AS NEW option.

  • A red asterisk next to a filter name indicates an unsaved filter.

  • Saved filters are saved against the logged in user and are not available to other users. See Global filters below for information on shared filters.

Global filters

  • When a filter is saved by an agent with the Operations Permission of 'Can create global planner filter' an option is available to flag the saved filter as a global filter, making it available for the use of all agents.

  • Global filters are indicated with a 'globe' icon and can be used as a base when creating new filters.


Grouping and Filtering

With the new Planner you can group jobs within a specific category by using the left hand menu option to group and display your planned work in a snapshot view. The options for grouping are:

  • Job Template

  • Asset Type

  • Asset

  • Location address

  • Job Plan (ie. both asset and location)

  • Asset Job Plan

  • Location Job Plan

The default Planner view will display all planned maintenance for the logged in agent's assigned segments for the upcoming 12 months. Further segment filtering will be available for agents with access to multiple segments. Additional filtering includes:

Customer filter

No changes have been made to the customer filter functionality.

Asset filter

When filtering by the category of Asset, the options for filtering will include:

  • Tag

  • Type

  • Asset number NEW

  • Asset ID NEW

  • Job plan name (previously Job Plan)

  • Job plan reference NEW

Job filter

When filtering by the category of Job, the options for filtering will include:

  • Template

  • Skill

  • Assigned to (previously Assign to)

  • Job plan frequency NEW

The Job plan frequency filter is ideal for creating custom filters for specific frequency types like 3-monthly, annually etc.

When selecting the period type of WEEKDAYS, the Frequency filter will be disabled

Location filter

When filtering by the category of Location, the options for filtering will include:

  • Location type NEW

  • Address

  • Name NEW

  • Job plan name (previously Job Plan)

  • Job plan reference NEW

  • Region NEW

Access to the Planner from the Operations Centre

The new Planner can be accessed from the following locations in the Ops Centre:

  • Locations When viewing Location Details for a specific location, a new option will be available to click directly into the Planned Work Planner from the Job Plan section.

  • Assets When viewing Asset Details for a specific asset, a new option will be available to click directly into the Planned Work Planner from the Job Plan section.

Tips on navigating the new Planner

  • The planner will load a 12-month view by default, highlighting the current month.

  • Clicking on the 'year' bar at the top will quickly move the current month to the centre so that the previous and upcoming months come into view. The previous 6 months and the next 12 months are available to view.

  • To move across the planner to previous or future months, left-click until the cursor icon changes to a 'drag' icon. Hold down the cursor and drag left or right to move across.

Viewing details of a job/jobs

To view all the jobs for a specific week, right-click on the numbered square to view the jobs for the selected week.

Moving a job

PLEASE NOTE: Existing agent permissions for moving jobs remain in place at the time of the upgrade.

There are two ways to move one or more jobs for a specific day. Firstly, click into a month to see the daily view, then:

  • Right-click on the numbered square to view or move the jobs for the selected day. Select the 'move' option to list the jobs, then select one or more jobs to move to a future date.

OR use the drag & drop functionality:

  1. Hover the cursor over the numbered square until the 'hover hand' icon displays.

  2. Left-click to get the 'drag' icon, then drag the numbered square to the new date. The colour of the square will turn to orange while it is being moved.

  3. Drop the orange box into the new date box.

  4. Confirm the new date and select the jobs to be moved..


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