Todays update introduces a number of new integration functions and numerous fixes.
Continue reading for details…
Note that throughout the release notes you’ll see labels formatted as [PHX-0000], these are for our own internal reference and link to our development tools. Feel free to ignore them. 🙂
Alfresco: Documents and Report’s “push” to Alfresco implemented. [PHX-4303] & [PHX-4304]
DebtCol: Additional data pushed through the “Client” interface. [PHX-4831]
User Profile: Add a new drop-down field to the “User Profile” screen to set a users role for the upcoming ‘additional charges’ module. [PHX-4707]
General: The main menu has been cleaned up to ensure items are the right place and in alphabetical order. [PHX-4956]
Invoice Processing: When clear up the For Allocation Default and Hold queue, the screen freezes on last document and search criteria. When empty cannot be opened and no warning is shown. [PHX-2093]
Invoice Processing: When Delete an invoice the screen navigates to the dashboard and back to the queue. [PHX-4787]
Invoice Processing: For Allocation – Shortcut for Hold (Ctrl + h) not working. [PHX-4859]
Task Triggers: Service for updating task triggers allowed Escalation user to be added to all processType. [PHX-4164]
DebtCol: Case file – Debtor name is not correctly displayed in title. [PHX-4488]
DebtCol: When try to update task status from open to something else it fails. [PHX-4916]
Accounts Payable: Supplier Filter API error when search input has asterisk. [PHX-4594]
Accounts Payable: Recurring Invoice “tdate” is not written to database when saving new recurring invoice. [PHX-4720]
Associated Contacts: Unable to select Email “Use For” options for additional assigned lots. [PHX-4770]
Chart of Accounts: Error returned after multiple edits to “Category Override” and “Prefix Override”. [PHX-4921]
Settings > Payment Files: Empty File path is not treated as root. [PHX-5026]
SW3: Duplicate invoice warning message not displayed. [PHX-4466]
Unit Details: “Do not apply penalty” checkbox is not functioning. [PHX-4953]
Management Details: Assigned manager should use management_history table. [PHX-4098]
MyCommunity: Listing duplicate documents when Alfresco is active. [PHX-4349]
Preferred Suppliers: Error when adding a preferred supplier. [PHX-4399]
Update by Leslie Leahy