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Urbanise Strata Update (63)

Todays update includes enhancements to Invoice Processing, DebtCol, Tasks and Master CID functions as well as various other improvements and fixes.

Continue reading for details…


In this section you’ll find details of new features we’ve added to the platform that we think you will find interesting.

Invoice Processing

By default, when an invoice is ‘paid’ by the Invoice Processing module, the ledger date in the General Ledger is set to the date the transaction was processed by the system.

A new setting has been added to allow you to set the ledger date for the payment to the “Due Date” of the invoice rather than the date it was processed. Use the new settings screen for “Invoice Processing” to activate this function.


In this section you’ll find details of improvements we’ve made to existing parts of the system. These are usually smaller changes than those listed in the above ‘features’ section (however some of them might be very useful).

Master CID

Four more functions were enhanced to support the Master CID configuration, these are:

  1. Insurance report

  2. Owner Details screen

  3. Annual budget report

  4. Interim Levies screen

We also enhanced the main dashboard on Master CID’s to list the child CID’s that it is connected to.

The “Master CID” function allows you to have more than one Urbanise Strata “Client ID” (“CID”) that can be connected in a hierarchy. This is useful for business that have multiple offices, or central processing facilities. What does “Master CID” mean?

Task List

Two new columns have been added to the task list screen for “Task ID” and “Linked?”. The linked column helps you understand if a specific task is linked to other tasks.

Other Improvements

  1. [PHX-5432] – Public Strata API: Duplicate check for ‘bank transactions’ when using the API

  2. [PHX-5741] – DebtCol: Case lodgement fee journal limited to 40 characters

  3. [PHX-5590] – DebtCol: Check to see if a unit is still in debt before triggering the ‘case’ API call

  4. [PHX-5556] – Invoice Processing: A new dedicated “Settings” screen for the Invoice Processing module


In this section you’ll find details of things we’ve fixed, or even small tweaks that weren’t big enough to be considered in the above “improvements” section.

  1. [PHX-4025] – Chart of Accounts: “Strata Manager” / “Body Corporate Manager” changes to “Owners Corporation Manager” when it is opened

  2. [PHX-4450] – Unit Details: Handle behaviour when ‘lotadditionalinfo’ record is initially missing for this lot

  3. [PHX-5517] – Unit List: Lots are not loaded in order when number of lots > 40

  4. [PHX-5661] – Additional Charges: Time and Rate rows not aligned with the column heading in Invoice document

  5. [PHX-5691] – Plan Details: Errors with Legal Values in region 1006

  6. [PHX-5713] – Budgets: Categories with $0.00 amount are inserted into DB with “Date” and “SDate” as null

  7. [PHX-4080] – Task Triggers: Investment account maturing – Task is not triggered as per the system description

  8. [PHX-5416] – Lot Owner Details: Editing ‘Lot Details > Contact Details’ in SW3 removes email addresses from lotmailaddresses

  9. [PHX-5682] – Lot Owner Details: Insert email address in lotmailaddresses when inserting new or updating existing records

  10. [PHX-5522] – Management Details: Changing the ‘Managed Since’ date for one property updates the ‘Managed Since’ date for all properties

  11. [PHX-4894] – Comms: Front-end converts date-time from server to user’s local time, thus, some emails seem to be excluded

  12. [PHX-3789] – Proposed Annual Budget: Percentage Variance and Variance Amount from previous year are not included in report.

  13. [PHX-5514] – Master CID: Unable to edit plan details of child properties from the master CID

  14. [PHX-1488] – Tasks: Unable to delete a task after changing the creator’s name

  15. [PHX-2807] – Unit Details: Validation of dates when entering Direct Debit details, so possible to enter ‘End Date’ earlier than ‘Start Date’

Update by Leslie Leahy


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