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Urbanise Strata Update (64)

Todays update includes a new levy statement with a payment slip, a module for tracking commission for additional services, a number of enhancements to tasks and more!

Continue reading for details…



In this section you’ll find details of new features we’ve added to the platform that we think you will find interesting.

Levy Statement – with payment details

A new report has been added to the system. This allows you to print a levy statement that includes payment details – perfect for sending a levy notice to a new owner.

Additional Charge Commissions

As a continuation of the Additional Charges module, you can now automatically track commission for your staff against the additional charges they generate. These commissions can be exported in a CSV file either on demand, or on a schedule (and automatically emailed to your finance team).

The “Additional Charge Commissions” screen allows you to review, and approve (or decline) commission for your team.

The “My Commissions” screen allows your team members to track how much commission they are earning month on month.



In this section you’ll find details of improvements we’ve made to existing parts of the system. These are usually smaller changes than those listed in the above ‘features’ section (however some of them might be very useful).

Master CID

The “Management Agreement” screen, and all of its sub-screens were enhanced to support the master CID process.

The “Master CID” function allows you to have more than one Urbanise Strata “Client ID” (“CID”) that can be connected in a hierarchy. This is useful for business that have multiple offices, or central processing facilities. What does “Master CID” mean?

Owners Corporation Certificate

Previously, when generating an Owners Corporation Certificate (in Victoria) the system automatically charged a disbursement based on the management agreement. Now the system will give you the opportunity to override that default value, and a reason for the override.


The supplier address and ABN now shows in search results. This is especially helpful for suppliers with multiple branches/locations (like us!).

Parent tasks are now links that open the parent in a new tab. The parent task ID is also shown.

Sub tasks can now be either linked or created directly from an existing task.


Other Improvements

  1. Accounts Receivable: Account categories added to invoices will now default to “GST” (or “VAT”) where the property is GST registered.

  2. Aged Debtors – Levies: The CSV version of this global report has been enhanced with additional columns.

  3. Aged Debtors: This property level report now has the option to exclude the owners name and phone numbers for privacy reasons (on the PDF version only).

  4. Invoice Processing: The “Reject” option has been disabled for invoices submitted via the “Additional Charges” module. (and only those invoices from the additional charges module)

  5. General Ledger: The fund balances at the bottom of the screen now update as transactions are entered.



In this section you’ll find details of things we’ve fixed, or even small tweaks that weren’t big enough to be considered in the above “improvements” section.

  1. [PHX-4087] – Reports: ‘List of Committee Members’ generated file name is wrong (has typo)

  2. [PHX-4287] – Suppliers: Same email can be added more than once for a supplier and both can be marked with same Use For’s

  3. [PHX-4765] – Email History: “To Date” is not inclusive

  4. [PHX-5405] – Scheduled Reports: ‘Aged Creditors by Creditor’ generates the global report instead of property report.

  5. [PHX-5681] – Reports: Annual Financial Statement – Spelling error in file name of ‘Annual Financial Statement’

  6. [PHX-5712] – Additional Charges: Filter for Plan number is displaying the Plan name

  7. [PHX-5831] – DebtCol: case lodgement fee – ‘Unit number’ in uninvoiced disbursement title is wrong

  8. [PHX-5590] – DebtCol: Check to see that a unit is still in debt before triggering API

  9. [PHX-5745] – Batch jobs: Enhance ‘asynch_report_notification2’ stored procedure with additional filemetadata validation

  10. [PHX-5723] – DebtCol: Change in behaviour for the “Debtor Reset” function

  11. [PHX-5661] – Additional Charges: Time and Rate rows not aligned with the column heading in Invoice document

  12. [PHX-5672] – Additional Charges: When an Additional Charge is linked to a task and the Additional Charge is Submitted to IP, the Invoice link in the Task screen is removed

  13. [PHX-5712] – Additional Charges: Filter for Plan number is displaying the Plan name

  14. [PHX-5690] – Additional Charges: Invoice Details screens are truncated for Additional Charges Invoices in various ledgers


Update by Leslie Leahy


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