Today's update includes additional functionality to BAS module for Australian customers, and adds a number of other features for all regions.
Accounts Payable
When creating an Accounts Payable entry, transaction lines with a negative value can now be entered. The following rules apply:
Transactions with a negative value can be added in the the invoice processing and accounts payable ledger where categories are captured/edited.
Negative values can be entered for all categories.
Amounts for both funds must have the same values (positive/negative) for a specific transaction line.
The total of the negative and positive transaction lines must equal the total on the accounts payable record.
The total of the negative and positive transaction lines cannot be zero or less.
Transactions with negative values can be edited in the Accounts Payable ledger.
Login screen
When logging into Urbanise Strata, a search field is now available at the top of the Client ID selector screen to assist with quicker selection where there are multiple Client IDs for the same company.
The login screen also now has to option to log out.
Unit List - Files
When navigating to the Unit Details screen from the Unit List, files can now be added using ‘drag’n’drop' functionality.
After uploading a file it is visible in the Files popup for the selected Unit
Uploaded files can be downloaded by selecting the file from the Files popup.
Using the Details link, the file can be deleted or edited. Editable values include Portal Category and viewing permissions.
Company Title Certificate (NSW only)
The Company Title Certificate can be generated for plans registered in NSW with a plan type of Company Title.
Security Settings
A new security group option has been added to manage access to the User Profile > Security Settings.
System Settings
An option has been added to System Settings for Automatic transfer of funds between cost centres.
When enabled, the system will automatically re-allocates funds between cost centres to ensure each cost centre is balanced and has no funds owing to prevent one cost centre being in credit, while another is in debit. The setting will be observed when issuing levies and receipting levy payments.
Usability Improvements
When approving a budget, invalid Next year Period One values will be automatically removed to avoid conflicts in the database.
BAS Returns (Australia)
A new sreen has been added to view and download details of plans with invalid or missing information: Finance > Global Functions > Tax Returns > Exceptions. This screen provides a list of all properties that do not have a blank ATO PRN value or an ATO PRN that is not 18 characters in length.
A new sreen has been added to view and download details of plans that have opted out of having tax returns lodged by the strata company: Finance > Global Functions > Tax Returns > Opt Outs. This preference is configured in Finance > Property Functions > Accounting Settings > Tax Return Opt-Out.
The due date displays in the transaction list for levies where the setting Report Levy GST is set to the due date.
Urbanise Internal Use
A new Urbanise Details section has been added to the Plan Details screen
A Demo Property checkbox has been added to the New Property screen
Note: These fields can only be edited by Urbanise Users and both will display as read-only fields to all other users.
[PHX-6905] The column alignment issue when resizing browser windows has been fixed.
[PHX-8014] The query for the "Global Reports > Management Fee Export"
The font colour of refunds in the Accounts Payable screen has been changed from red to black
When updating the previous previous manager in Management Details > Assigned Manager the Manager Email address is updated when the record is saved
When refreshing the browswer in the Invoice Processing > Review > List view the tab was duplicated. This has been resolved.
When processing invoices from the Parent CID the manager names did not display. This issue has been resolved.