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Urbanise Strata Update (83)

Today's update includes a number of improvements across the platform.


Special Levies

When viewing the Special Levies screen you can now filter the results by Status and Type and do a text search on the Description of Notice and Amount to Raise. The status column will default to Pending items.

Invoice Processing Data Entry

When reviewing an invoice in Step 2 (Data Entry) of Invoice Processing, an option has been added to select a cost centre when adding a budgeted category for the invoice.

The Cost Centre will default to All, and will display all budgeted categories for the selected cost centre.

Invoice Processing Approval

Additional validation has been added to Step 4 (External Approval) in Invoice Processing to prevent the same invoice being approved multiple times in a concurrent user scenario.

Additional Charges

A change has been made to prevent negative values being entered in the Amount field when creating Additional Charges.

Unit Ledger

When viewing the Unit Ledger an option is now available to download the related PDF file for transactions where the description displays as a hyperlink.

Task List

The status of a task can now be set to Closed without having to edit the task details.

Transaction Details

To achieve consistency, a number of areas in the platform underwent changes to tabs, headers and menu items ralated to transaction details.

Work Orders

The following unused work order status vaues have been removed from the Status filter:






When navigating to Finance > Work Orders and clicking All in the Status filter, the following valid types will display for selection:

  • ALL






AP Refund

As part payments are not allowed, the 'amount' field should be read only and pre-populated with the full amount.

Supplier Licences

To prevent system errors, a colon (: symbol) will no longer be accepted as a value in the Licence field when entering license details for a supplier.

Urbanise Strata Comany Logo

In some instances, switching between different CIDs when logging into Urbanise Strata could result in the customised company logo defaulting to the Urbanise logo. This issue has been resolved.

User List

When adding a new user profile in the User List, the user's firstname and lastname displayed as NULL NULL on profile screen until the details were entered. This issue has been resolved.

Building Compliance

When adding a new building compliance record for a property without saving the record, the most recently selected but unsaved category was not available to select when adding compliance again for the same building. This issue has been resolved.


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