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Urbanise Strata Update (86)

Today's update includes the ability to specify preferred supplies for each plan, a new report to list Accounts Receivable transactions, and a number of usability improvements.


Accounts Receivable Transaction List

The new report is accessed via the Reports menu by selecting Accounts Receivable > Accounts Receivable Transactions List.

The report can be generated by cost centre and fund and can be sorted by transaction date, account categories, or account categories & funds.

Preferred Suppliers

To specify preferred suppliers for a property, navigate to Property > General Information > Preferred Suppliers and use the +New function to add a supplier record. There is no limit to the number of preferred suppliers that can be added per property.

When a preferred supplier has been saved, the supplier's details and bank account details will be visible from this screen.

Usability Improvements

The following items were added to improve the functionality and user experience in Urbanise Strata:

Debtor Notes

Prior to today's update, the notes section in the Unit List > Finance Options was available to use when selecting the option for Payment Plan.

To improve this functionality, the notes section is now enabled by default on this screen, and can be used to record notes for any of the following options:

  • Payment Plan

  • Do not process arrears for this lot

  • Lot with debt collection agency

The notes saved in this field will display on the reports generated from the following menu options:

  • Reports > Plans & Lots > Payment Plan Register will always display the notes saved for the selected unit, including where no options are selected

  • Reports > Global Reports > Payment Plan Register where Payment Plan is selected for the unit

Debtor Levels

Prior to today's update, the debtor level for a unit was reset to NIL when the ledger balance reached zero.

To improve this functionality, the logic applied when receipting a levy payment (manually or by the bank reconciliation system} the debtor level of the unit is now adjusted based on:

  1. The amount owing after the receipted payment is applied and;

  2. The Minimum Arrears Amount setting on the Arrears Settings screen for the plan

The system now applies the following logic, based on the Arrears Level Setup example below:

  • Amount owing after the receipted payment is applied = $1,000.00 The debtor level is adjusted to Level 3

  • Amount owing after the receipted payment is applied = $650.00 The debtor level is adjusted to Level 2

  • Amount owing after the receipted payment is applied= $590.00 The debtor level is adjusted to Level 1

  • Amount owing after the receipted payment is applied= $490.00 The debtor level is adjusted to NIL

Task Trigger - Commence Debt Collection

The task trigger to Commence Debt Collection has been enhanced and now includes the ability to specify the number of days after a unit reaches its highest debtor level. The number of days defaults to 28 and can be changed by navigating to Settings > Company Details > Task Triggers > Debt Collection > Trigger.

Maintenance/Sinking/Capital Works Fund

In regions where only an Administration Fund is required, the second fund (Maintenance/Sinking/Capital Works) will display as a read-only field and will not allow data entry in the following areas of the system:

  • Accounts Payable > Invoice and refunds within an invoice

  • Accounts Payable > Accrued Expense

  • Accounts Receivable > Invoice

  • Accounts Receivable > Accrued Revenue

  • Invoice Processing > Data Entry > default, on-hold and rejected queues

  • Invoice Processing > Manager Review > default and on-hold queues

  • General Journals

  • General Ledger > Pay Invoice

  • Unit Ledger > Levy Journal (fund allocation section)

  • Unit Ledger > Penalty Journal (fund allocation section)

  • Unit Ledger > Loss of Discount Journal (fund allocation section)

Error messaging

A number of processes throughout the system have been updated to display more user-friendly error messaging where system message previously displayed.

Bank Statement

The timestamp in the bank statement screen has been updated to reflect the timezone.


The following items reported by our users have been resolved:

  • Some scheduled reports failed to generate successfully when the report used the batch process.

  • When generating some certificates, a copy of the certificate was added to Step 1 of the Invoice Processing queue.

  • In some instances, when navigating to Reports > General Finance, the name of the first report in the list did not display although this did not affect the ability to generate the report.

  • When processing payment files for Westpac NZ, an error occurred when generating the PDF document related to the process.


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