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Urbanise Strata Update (92)

Today's update includes an automatic lock on accounts 90 days after the end of the financial year, PGP Encryption and the ability to delete Accounts Payable transactions for BAS Returns.

Note: If you are unable to review any of the items below when you log into Urbanise Strata, please clear your browser cache. For more information see FAQ - How To Clear Cache In Google Chrome


Automatic Locking of Accounts

The locking of accounts will now be automated to ensure this important function is not overlooked. The lock date can continue to be added manually, if preferred, by navigating to Finance > Property Functions > Lock Accounts.

Automated locking will use the following rules:

  • The Lock Date for all properties are automatically set 90 days after the financial year ends

  • The Lock Date is set to the last day of the previous financial year

  • When a Lock Date has been previously saved for a property with a date earlier than the last day of the previous financial year, the system will not automatically update the Lock Date.

BAS Returns - Deleting Accounts Payable Transactions

Accounts Payable transactions included in a prior BAS period may now be deleted. The following prompt will display and confirmation is required to proceed with the deletion:

You are about to delete an invoice that has been included in a prior period BAS, its deletion will cause a variance in the next period's BAS return. Deletion of this transaction will be logged for future reference purposes. Are you sure you want to proceed

  • Selecting No will close the prompt and return to the previous screen

  • Selecting Yes will proceed to delete the transaction.

Accounts Payable Invoice Classification (MENA region only)

When entering an Accounts Payable invoice, a new mandatory field is available to select the Classification of the payable account.

When selecting a supplier where a previous accounts payable entry exists, the previously specified classification for the selected supplier will be used.

Payment File Settings

When configuring Settings > Financial > Payment Files a new option is available to enable PGP Encryption for the file delivery methods of Download, FTP, and SFTP.

PGP is used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting texts, e-mails, files, directories, and whole disk partitions and to increase the security of e-mail communications.

Other Enhancements

Budgeted Categories

When adding a new category and there are no budgeted categories configured, a prompt will now display to advise the user:


Changes have been made to improve the transfer time of documents when using ePost.

File Uploads

  • When uploading PDF files in Invoice Processing an error message will now display when a file upload is unsuccessful.

  • Changes were made to the Files microservice health check to improve the error-reporting and stability of file uploads.


  • When setting up a new account category in Finance > Property Functions > Approvals Whitelist, the category could not be set up when selecting a category from Budgeted Categories. This issue has been resolved.

  • When deleting a budget for a cost centre where more than one cost centre exists, items for all cost centres were deleted. This issue has been resolved.

  • On some lookup screens, the last item in the list did not display in full when screen zoom is set to 100%. This issue has been resolved.

  • A minor layout change has been made in Step 2 and Step 3 of Invoice Processing to ensure the on-screen message displays correctly as per the example below:


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